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Answered question

How do I stop getting specific promotional messages?

I keep getting promotional messages. Is there something I can do to stop receiving these messages.



6 / 100

To stop getting specific third party promotional messages, please send STOP to 2442.

You will receive a response like the one below after sending HELP to 2442 and follow the prompts;

For FULL DND, Text STOP to 2442. To receive all messages, Text ALLOW to 2442. To check your DND status, Text STATUS to 2442. For Partial DND, text any of the following options to 2442:-
Text 1:Banking / Insurance/ Financial Products
Text 2:Real Estate
Text 3:Education
Text 4:Health
Text 5:Consumer goods and Automobiles
Text 6:Communication/Broadcasting/Entertainment/IT
Text 7:Tourism and Leisure
Text 8:Sport
Text 9:Religion
Text 9a:Christianity
Text 9b:Islam
Text 9c:Others
Text 10:Information on new products/services
Text 11:News Alerts

Note: The above is called DO NOT DISTURB SERVICE, it only stops Third Party promotional messages and it will not stop you from receiving MTN Product Knowledge/awareness, Marketing and promotional messages.

Alert: If you choose to use the FULL DND be ready to forfeit receiving bank alerts and maybe OTPs or the kind..

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