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Want to link my number with my NIN

Want to link my number with my NIN



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Please provide us with your NIN, for further validation with NIMC. You can do this easily in one of the following ways:
1. By dialing *785*Your NIN# free of charge and following the prompts.
2. You can also submit your NIN to us on MyMTN app. To download the app, text ‘MYMTN’ to 5018
3. Visit https://nin.mtnonline.mtnonline.com
4. Should you receive the SMS below, reply with your NIN and send.
“Yello, To submit your NIN, simply reply this sms, include your NIN and send. You can also submit by texting it to 785. Thank You”.

After your NIN has been submitted, we will begin the process of verification with the NIMC. If your NIN is verified, we will link it to your MTN SIM registration, and you may not need to do anything further. If it is not possible to verify the NIN you have submitted, then you may need to visit an enrolment Centre, in person.
We shall provide further information on the status of your NIN verification once received from NIMC.

Once you have submitted your NIN, MTN will send a confirmation message when your NIN is verified and linked with your Number.

Please be informed that pending when verification of the submitted NIN is completed through NCC/NIMC, the status of the NIN details submitted is unverified; this means that you might be required to visit again for verification/validation based on outcome of the verification exercise.

You can confirm the status of your NIN submission on myMTN App. Click http://bit.ly/MyMTN_app to check.

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You can contact us on any of these channels for assistance; MTN LiveChat, WhatsApp 09033000001, Facebook @MTNLoaded, Or Send an Email To Customercare.Ng@Mtn.Com.