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Hi Ahmad, when your picture is not used to register a line, it means that another person registered the line for you. Before MTN will do SIM swap for you, they must confirm that your biometrics correspond.
If you know the person that the picture is on your line, you need to ask the person to visit MTN office with you to sign the consent form before the line can be registered in your name to enable you retrieve it.

You can come over to MTN shop with the person that has the picture on your line to re-register your line. Kindly come along with any one of these valid government issued IDs: Your NIN slip, Your Voter’s Card, Your Driver’s License, Your international passport. Please note that your NIN is mandatory.

Kindly dial *123*7*1# to get information on the location of any MTN shops closer to you. When you dial the code, you will be required to enter your State, then your Local Government Area, you will receive SMS on the nearest MTN office address in your location, or you can use this link: https://www.mtnonline.com/personal/find-a-store/

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