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How can I change my MIFI password and name

I want to change my mtn 4g mifi password and name



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1, Connect the MiFi via Wi-Fi or USB cable to a computer or wirelessly to a phone.
2, Launch the default internet browser on the connected device.
3, Visit http://mtnbroadband.ng or in the URL address bar
4, Login to admin portal with (admin) as username and password.
5, On portal home page, scroll down to edit Network Name (SSID)
Enter your unique Username, and on the Password bar, edit it to your preferred password
Click Apply to save the new settings.
If you are not able to do this, please bring the device to any MTN Shop for hands on support.
Please refer to https://www.mtn.ng/stores/ for MTN stores near you.
To get to the MTN office near you, please dial *123*7*1# from any MTN number and follow the menu.

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