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How can someone use my data

I want someone to be using any data that comes to my sim



1 / 100


5000 / 5000

Hi Samuel, there are 2 ways you can allow someone to use your data.
1. You can share the data with the person using MTN Data share service.
2. If the person is close to you, you can enable portable hotspot on your device so that the person can use your data via WiFi connection.

You can share data using any of the channels below:
1. Dial *131*7# and follow the response.
2. To share using code: dial *131*Phone number* Data amount#.
3. SMS: type Transfer–space-Phone number–space-Data amount and send to 131.
4. mymtn.com.ng
5. To share data via MyMTN App:
Go to “Bundles”
Click on “Share Data” and follow the response.

You can also follow below steps to share data:
• Dial *123# from Phone.
• Select 3 which is data Services.
• Select 7 which is gift data.
• Then you select option 1 to transfer data from existing data balance to a loved one or select 3 to request from a friend.

The amount of data you can transfer at a time are 50MB, 100MB, 200MB, and 500MB. However, you must ensure you have at least 50MB in your data balance after every transfer for your transfer to be successful.

The maximum number of times you can transfer is twice daily. However, the cumulative amount you can transfer at a given time and in a day is 1GB.

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