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How can I find my puk code online my number is +2349130667214

How can I find my puk code online and my mother's maiden name



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I understand your confusion. There are different ways to get your MTN PUK number online, depending on your situation. Here are some possible options:
• If you have access to the MTN app, you can find your PUK number in the app’s SIM services.
• If you have your MTN SIM card’s starter pack, you can look for the PUK number printed on it.
• If you can send an SMS request from another phone, you can text your MTN phone number to 6000 and receive the PUK and SIM number.
• If you can visit the MTN website, you can log in with your number and navigate to the PUK-related page.
I hope this helps you to unlock your SIM card. Please be careful not to enter the wrong PUK number more than 10 times, as this will permanently block your SIM card. If you need more assistance, you can call 135 and speak to an MTN agent. You can learn more from here

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