Hi Bongumusa, On your phone, visit your message settings, select SMS or Text Messages, then choose MTN, select Message Centre and edit by deleting any number you see there. Type...
I am having challenge submitting Business proposition to Sponsorshipandpromotions@mtn.com error is rejection of my email by postmaster my email address is...
Hi Bassey, you can also forward a hard copy of your business idea/proposal to the address below for a possible consideration:
The Head,
Corporate services,
MTN Nigeria...
Ever since I entered UK in Oct 4, there's no MTN signal in my phone, Pls help me. This is the phone number: 0803 282 9884. I even subscribed to roaming bundle twice , yet no MTN...
Hi Ubong, you need to roam your line with any of the MTN preferred roaming partners in UK. You can roam with Vodafone or Telefonica O2.
Just power off and power on your phone...
Hi Nkiru, you can power off and power on your phone and choose any of the MTN preferred roaming networks in Canada, your phone may automatically select a network, if not, you...