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My mifi device wifi key is wiped of and i want to reset the password

My mifi device password is wiped off on the device. How can i reset or change.



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There is a tiny hole on the device very close to the charging port, it is written reset, insert a tiny needle on that hole to reset the password.

1. Switch ON the MiFi router.
2. At the back side of your MiFi router, you will find the Reset button
3. Using a pin or with the help of any another object with a pointy edge, press and hold the Reset button for five seconds.
4. Now your MiFi Router will automatically restart.
5. Now your MiFi router password is reset to its default value.
Kindly note that default user name of the MiFi Router is admin and password is also admin. After resetting your router you can login to the admin management page using Username/Password as admin.


Alternatively, in changing the Wi-Fi password is connecting to the admin screen on your Internet browser. Simply navigate to the web address on your browser, which leads to the Admin site. To change the admin password, which affords access to the online settings, go to the Settings tab and expand the ‘System’ drop-down menu. After choosing the Modify Password option, you can choose a new password. The current or old password is also required to complete this step.

To change the passkey that is attached to the hotspot itself, go to the WLAN menu under Settings and select Basic Settings to choose or edit SSID, Security Mode [Open, WEP, WPA2-PSK or WPA/WPA2-PSK] and WPA pre-shared key for a new hotspot key. [You can choose to restore default settings and values by selecting ‘Restore Defaults’ to Restore the Factory Settings of the device]

Kindly note that if the security mode is set to WEP, a wireless network adapter working in only 802.11n mode may not be able to access the device


Kindly read through the details that had been provided above, and let me know where you need further explanations so that I could go over the information again.