I bought a Mifi device from your shop at Ikeja City mall
S/N 320513884549
IMEI: 867462052329632
and MTN line 08104170681
and I was told I will get twice the data I purchase...
From my own experience using the MTN 4G Mifi device, the 100% bonus data offer is real, provided you purchase data bundles from N3,500 to N20,000 for 6 months on the new SIM...
Hi Pius, is it Coupon code that you want or Promo code. MTN does not give Coupon code direct, Coupon code are given by organizations that MTN has given access to Gift data to...
I try to buy a new Hynetflex monthly bundle but receive this error before getting to the payment screen. What is wrong? How can I buy a bundle using my bank card?